Girls’ night in.

Adam’s in Vancouver tonight, enroute to Seattle for his monthly coaching training for the weekend. I am taking the opportunity to unwind (a night in being made significantly easier by the lack of a vehicle). Tonight has been spent watching movies on Netflix that I probably shouldn’t watch on my own. I like Paul Bettany, so I watched Legion. Pretty gory and a little freaky, but it wasn’t a real horror/thriller, so I think I’ll be able to sleep. Maui seems to be doing okay though. Granted, she’s not facing the TV.

Me & the Mauster

I did go to yoga, though, so that’s good. I work from home most Fridays, which means it’s really easy for me to spend the day in sweatpants (hey, at least I change from my pajamas) and not venture out into the world at all. Actually, I went out twice: I went for a swim at lunch because I was way too comfortable to roll out of bed this morning.

So, what this boils down to is that I soaked in chlorine, then sweat it out at the studio. And, let me just say that chlorine is a better body odour to have than what is often floating around a yoga class. After the profuse sweating, I walked home to make dinner. I made dinner in shifts, eating it in the same manner. End result? I got too full and never made it to the roasted potatoes…

Now I’m watching a cheesy episodic from ’91 called “Dark Shadows.” It turns out it’s a remake of an earlier soap opera from the 60s and 70s. When I Googled it, I was interested to learn that apparently Tim Burton and Johnny Depp were fans, back in the day. I hope the original series wasn’t this bad… I also learned that they’re doing a remake film this year, starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton. It seems that dreams really do come true. At least Johnny Depp will make a much better Barnabas Collins.

I’ve also painted my nails (fingers and toes) and succeeded in messing up one fingernail. At least I’m consistent.

On that note, I’m off to watch episode 3. I should really just go to bed…

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