Lazy Sundays.

Are the best. I could do with a week of them right now. The first thing I’d do is find a delicious recipe for brioche. There is something so magically rewarding about making bread. And then eating it.

I think my bread machine has a brioche recipe, but I’m hesitant to test it out, after the great cinnamon bun debacle of 2008. Those things were solid. Could’ve been used in creating the foundation of a house. I’ve since redeemed myself with The Best Cinnamon Buns ever (two for two, actually), which I found online. The recipe said it was a dead-ringer for Cinnabon. Who am I to argue? Oh man, those are really good. Now I want them, but it’s Lent.

Brioche, on the other hand, would just be a delicious little bun that I could eat right now. Like seriously right now. ASAP.

I’m off to dream about French sweet breads. I’ll keep you apprised of the developments.

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